In my mid-day pause and since we are in the season of Lent, I thought it appropriate to meditate upon the cross. I get that the cross was once associated with the gruesome death of our Lord and Savior. While that is indeed true, I would like to suggest that it is also something else -- an icon, a window through which we are drawn to God, and it demonstrates profoundly our experience of Lent and the reality of Easter -- that being God's chesed, his loving-kindness and steadfast love.
Through Christ's death and resurrection we are powerfully reminded that for those who follow Christ, the way to abundant life is through death -- Christ's death and our dying to ourselves. It is the paradox of our faith, isn't it, that death precedes new life. In our faith, though, this paradox, this mystery, only points to Love and Grace that can only be given by God. So, yes, during the season of Lent I intentionally open myself up and allow God to touch, to heal all my brokenness -- to mend or darn my soul, to die to myself -- because it is through the life, death and resurrection of Christ that God not only proves to me that I'm never alone in this journey towards full and complete union with God but he also proves to me the depth of his love. So, the cross for me is an icon, a symbol of God's chesed.
During the season of Lent I typically use a Catholic cross (one with Christ crucified on it) for meditation. Yes, I see Christ's gruesome death (I cannot help but see it!) but Christ's resurrection made what was gruesome something beautiful -- Love overcame the gruesomeness! And, it is then I'm reminded that God can do the same for me -- take my wretched soul and make it beautiful!
So, when I meditate upon the cross I am overcome with the awe, wonder and beauty that is Love! My friends, what do you see when you meditate upon cross?
Grace & Peace to you, my friends!
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