Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Beautiful Advent Prayer

After spending a little while outside hanging Christmas lights with my youngest son, the sun was beginning to set and it just felt "right" to sit down and read the Psalms for this evening. This evening's Psalms are Psalm 53 and Psalm 17, and I found myself drawn to Psalm 17, so drawn to it that I decided to share it with you all. Just in case you do not remember, I have been using Nan C. Merrill's Psalms for Praying: An Invitation for Wholeness when reading (I really mean praying!) the Psalms because I find that her language allows me to linger and enjoy the presence of Love -- of God -- for they seem to call me to the very Heart of Love -- of God!

So without further interruption, here's Psalm 17:

Listen to my heart, O Love Divine;
     hear the cry within me!
Heed my prayer from lips that
     would utter truth!
For in You do I seek justice!
Be Thou my eyes that I may
     see with clarity.

If You try my heart,
     if You visit me by night,
     if You test me, You will
     My only desire is to
     draw closer to You.
I see the injustice and the
     piercing the hearts of your people.

Be Thou my feet that I may walk
             along your paths;
     that I may be a benevolent
             presence on life's highway.

I call upon You knowing You will
                         answer me,
             Heart of my heart;
     incline your ear to me,
            hear my words.
Wondrously show your steadfast love,
O Love Divine, You walk beside me
     giving me strength to face
     the fears that dwell within. 

I cannot think of a better gift God could give me -- that God could birth in me -- than that which sought in this prayer! This is indeed a beautiful Advent Prayer!

Happy Advent, my dear friends! May God grant you a peaceful night's rest!

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